sintered silicon carbide tube

Why Use a Sintered Silicon Carbide Tube?

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is one of the hardest materials known to mankind, boasting high levels of corrosion, abrasion and temperature resistance. SiC tubes are an ideal way to protect thermocouples in harsh environments. Outshone traditional ceramics and metal alloys due to its inherent strength combined with advanced manufacturing processes like reaction bonding and pressureless sintering, SiC tubes can stand up against conditions that would compromise other ceramics and metals.

Corrosion Resistance

Silicon carbide is an exceptional refractory material with excellent resistance to corrosion, oxidation and thermal shock. Furthermore, its thermal coefficient of expansion is exceptionally low and its thermal conductivity high. Furthermore, silicon carbide can withstand extreme temperatures without degrading into acid or base compounds; making it an excellent choice for chemical processing applications.

Silicon Carbide (SiC) can be produced via two main methods of formation: reaction bonding and sintering. Each process greatly affects its microstructure and properties of finished ceramics; reaction bonded SiC is formed by infiltrating compacts of mixtures of SiC and carbon with liquid silicon to create chemical bonds between SiC particles and silicon that bonds them together, leading to more particles bonding to original ones; while sintered silicon carbide is created through pressing and sintering pure SiC powder using non-oxide sintering aids to form solid pieces with increased strength and hardness than RBSiC.

Hexoloy(r) SG is a sintered silicon carbide product with superior electrically conducting capabilities compared to standard SiC materials. Available with various OD and ID combinations for use in mechanical seal applications, Hexoloy SG offers precision engineered product that can come either unground or ground face depending on your application requirements.

Abrasion Resistance

Silicon carbide ceramic material ranks as one of the hardest ceramic materials and maintains its hardness even at higher temperatures, while remaining corrosion and abrasion resistant. Furthermore, it features an ideal thermal expansion rate making it ideal for use in applications like metal smelting and space technology – not to mention high pressure applications as its weight is half that of steel!

Reaction bonded and sintered silicon carbide are both forms of this refractory material, with reaction bonded silicon carbide being created through infiltrating compacts of mixed SiC/carbon powder with liquid silicon which then reacts with carbon to produce more SiC that bonds back together as powder form. Sintered silicon carbide, on the other hand, is created through conventional ceramic forming methods with non-oxide sintering aids resulting in densification levels up to 90%.

Both forms of silicon carbide offer excellent abrasion resistance. Nitride-bonded silicon carbide in particular offers exceptional resistance in light soil with loose grains of sand. It boasts higher mass loss resistance than XAR 600 steel and eight times greater wear resistance than F-61 padding weld; its grain size distribution limits its performance, however.

Thermal Conductivity

Silicon carbide ceramics are widely revered for their exceptional thermal conductivity and superior abrasion resistance, strength, and corrosion resistance properties, making them the go-to material for power industry components due to long meter life expectancies and chemical inertness.

Sintered silicon carbide ceramics’ exceptional thermal conductivity is due to their strong covalent bond structures, which enable them to maintain hardness and high mechanical strength at elevated temperatures while remaining hardwearing enough for harsh environments and harsh abrasive conditions. This makes sintered silicon carbide ceramics especially beneficial in applications requiring rugged environments or harsh conditions for equipment use.

This high-performance material comes in an assortment of forms and sizes. Due to its fine grain size and high density, this versatile material can be formed into complex components with tight dimensional control, surface finishing and minimal or no after-sintering required. Commonly found in demanding conditions – extreme temperatures, corrosive chemicals and environments as well as long wear resistance are just some of its qualities that make it an excellent choice for 3D printing, ballistics production, energy technology manufacturing processes as well as seal components used in pump and drive systems – it makes this material ideal for use in demanding conditions such as these environments as 3D printing, ballistics production or seal components used in pump and drive systems.


Silicon carbide ceramic tubes have become widely utilized industrial applications due to their outstanding strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity properties. Furthermore, they exhibit low thermal expansion rates which make them the perfect solution for high temperature or acidic industrial processes.

These components are commonly employed in oil drilling operations to protect equipment and provide structural support during extraction processes. They often replace metal alloys as they can withstand higher temperatures while being more resistant to corrosion and oxidation than their alternatives.

Ceramic material’s exceptional hardness can be attributed to its diamond-like tetrahedral crystal structure, making it suitable for making various products like abrasives and grinding wheels. Furthermore, its use is also popular within metallurgical industries for making tools such as cutting tools and other types of machining equipment.

Sintered and reaction bonded silicon carbide ceramics are available for industrial applications. Both varieties involve pressing and sintering silicon carbide powder together into solid pieces of material. Sintered is stronger, harder, more resistant to oxidation and corrosion and more expensive to produce; choosing which form best meets the requirements of each project depends upon your personal decision-making processes.